The Write Copy

Did you know that most women entrepreneurs don't have access to the right resources to help them get their company off to a solid start?

And, did you know that when most women feel intimidated they tend not to ask questions, especially when faced with asking a man for help?


What is copywriting?

Writing creative copy is using written content as a persuasive advertising and marketing strategy tool to increase brand awareness, further networking and sales.  

The fact that you're reading this means that you know you need some help with creative copy and management, but you're still not quite sure what that means and how that could work for you.  

Ask yourself the following questions:

How engaging is the content on my website?

How engaging is the content on my social media accounts?

Do I know how to engage more people?

Who an I trying to engage?

Is my content engaging those people towards sales?

Do I want more sales with less effort?

If you answered "I don't know" to even ONE of these questions then you, my friend, need a copywriter!

As exhausting as it is to run your own company and keeping your customers happy, the last thing you need is to worry about marketing strategies.

At Savvy Ink we know what's it's like to be chief cook and bottle washer in your own business while running the rest of your life. You don't have to guess and try to strategically navigate marketing alone. We do all the heavy lifting for you. So many of you are missing out on sales because of lack of time and knowledge.

It doesn't have to be that way!

We've got your back!

You'll never have to worry about copy again.

We write, edit, manage, and track content so you don’t have to.

We’ll help you:

  • Create website and landing pages and manage them for you.
  • Create and manage your social media profiles and help grow your following.
  • We'll produce consistently engaging posts then teach you how to properly engage with your followers while you have your coffee.
  • We'll be your voice by writing informative and engaging blogs.
  • Produce promotional materials such as digital and print ads and email newsletters.
  • Maintain, edit and manage all content.

It's time to get you the business you deserve!